A new prescribed burn, named Gs Pvt, was initiated 4:36 p.m. Jan. 23 in Glenn County. The prescribed fire has been burning on ...
The burns will take place between March 31 and April 11 at Signature Bluffs Natural Area and the Poudre Learning Center, according to a release from the city of Greeley.
Currently, there are no details on the extent of land burned or the size of the crew involved in executing the prescribed ...
The Trump Administration's EPA is trying to increased prescribed burning on wildfire-prone land. It's unclear whether they ...
The head fire blazed across the prairie like a flash fire [contained] and spread amazing heat for half a minute or so. As the ...
The Nature Conservancy and the Sewee Long Leaf Cooperative are working to educate people by showing how safe, prescribed ...
MassWildlife intentionally set the fire Friday to maintain grassland for rare plants, birds and animals including the ...
The prescribed burns program in Ouachita National Forest has been put on hold through today, a U.S. Forest Service ...
Monongahela National Forest is planning prescribed fire operations this month. We estimate this work to continue through the spring as weather conditions allow. We use prescribed fires ...