St. Irenaeus, "Against All Heresies," c. 180 A.D. "In the four ... century A.D. "For the scheme of the mysteries of the Church and the Catholic faith is such that one who denies one portion ...
The Armenians also fell into heresy after the Council of Chalcedon ... All the rites of the Catholic Church are of equal dignity and equally valid. Attendance at a different rite fulfills the ...
Partly it is practicality: many Catholic documents ... have revolutionised the church’s attitudes to everything from birth control to divorce, homosexuality and heresy.
A little-remembered gathering in the 1960s could have stopped the problems which now batter the Church’s reputation, a new ...
Church services and prayers remained ... But there were only two executions for heresy in this reign. The Catholic Mary Tudor came to the throne in 1553 after a brief attempt by the Protestants ...