Such is the bare-bones outline of Jacob Dunne’s book Right from Wrong, which indefatigable voice-of-the-nation playwright ...
Punch at the Young Vic review: 'a tragic true story turned into devastating theatre' - 4/5 The true story of a young man who ...
In 2011, 19-year-old Jacob Dunne, already involved with street gangs and drug dealing, pitched into a fight a friend was ...
Killed with one blow: the true story behind Punch at the Young Vic - James Graham’s Punch has arrived at the Young Vic having ...
Based on the memoir of Jacob Dunne, Punch is the sobering true story of the tragic and rippling consequences of a single ...
“That doesn’t happen very often in theatre,” says David Shields, who plays Dunne in Punch, which ran in Nottingham last May and is now transferring to London’s Young Vic. “It really ...
James Graham’s drama about a single-punch killing builds to an emotionally ... It revolves around a raw, compelling performance from David Shields as Jacob. The young man we meet initially ...
James Graham’s new play Punch will cross the Atlantic to New York later this year.
James Graham ’s passionately argued and deeply moving play Punch is dedicated to the memory of James Hodgkinson, “who himself dedicated his life to the helping and healing of others”, until, at the ...
Playing Joseph in his school’s nativity play was the moment when David Shields fell in love with ... His starring role in James Graham’s Punch, only his third professional show, could change ...