The $880 billion cut to America’s entitlement programs is a trade-off for conservatives whom Trump has tasked to extend his ...
The Constitution offers the president the unique and irrefutable power to issue pardons. In one of his final acts in office, ...
Rain was falling across Maine on Monday combining with melting snow, prompting a flood watch for much of interior Maine as ...
A flood watch is in effect for most of New Hampshire through midnight. Many rivers are cresting now or will do so in the next ...
New Hampshire is seeing pockets of heavy rain for St. Patrick's Day, leading to some flood concerns. A flood watch was issued ...
Some pockets of heavier rain for your Saint Patrick's Day with a flood watch for some. Temperatures remain well above the ...
More rain is anticipated to return later this week, but forecasters said a dose of snow could also fall in parts of ...
The Nebraska Department of Transportation has postponed its planned closure of the Dodge Street off ramp from Interstate 480 ...
You should care partly because public dollars paid for that information to be collected and some bureaucrats shouldn’t decide ...
Contributing personal observations via a community-based network of volunteers can help with weather and river forecasts.
Snow totals are heavily dependent on the track of the low-pressure system, which still is about 48 hours away.
A forecast of up to six inches of snow with winds gusting at 50 to 60 mph has prompted the National Weather Service to issue ...