Whitebred Shorthorns achieve strong prices at Carlisle sale, with the top bull selling for 5500gns and others reaching impressive values.
Despite a dry summer, the Mountain Calf Sale vendors have “exceeded expectations” and produced high quality calves, and ...
Since introducing Dycoxan, Cork farmer Katie has seen remarkable improvements in lamb health and performance. Key benefits ...
A heifer from the oldest Beef Shorthorn herd in the world, topped the inaugural production sale of pedigree cattle from the Old Glenort Aberdeen Angus and Uppermill Shorthorns when selling at 9000gns.
Saturday livestock collective sales of stirks, weaned calves and young store cattle continue to grow in both numbers and ...
Colby Community College will host its annual Bull Production Sale and Seminar on Friday, March 21, at the Beef Unit on the college farm, located at 2002 County Road 23, east of Colby. Prospective ...
Mark Davidson, who’s aged 34 and from Moray, appeared in private along with Ben Terry (33) who was listed in court papers as ...
Steers sold to a top of £2,480 for a 670kgs Limousin from Mr John Todd, Ballycastle. Heifers sold to £1,900 for a 620kgs Aberdeen Angus from Mr James McAuley, Bushmills. Fat cows sold to £2,020 ...
His full-time job is at Kinze Manufacturing, the implement maker near Williamsburg. At home, he raises Angus and shorthorn cattle and sheep, as well as grain and hay. A locker processes his meat. His ...
The Canadian Junior Shorthorn Association has awarded two successful junior applicants with $1,000 scholarships to aid in their post-secondary studies.