Look no further than Rick Riordan's fun, fast-paced Percy Jackson series, which follows the adventures of young ... be sure to check out our list of the Best Mythology Books for Kids and Teens.
Obi-Wan Kenobi let his former Padawan win their duel in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, which subtly paved the way for ...
Star Wars is one of the busiest franchises in pop culture, with several Disney+ shows a year being released, as well as multiple novels, comic books, and video games. However, there was a time when ...
Fans haven't appreciated Kennedy's stint in charge of the studio, She's delivered some successes for Disney - the Star Wars sequels were box office hits and Disney+ was launched on the back of The ...
Fans are convinced that one of the big storylines in season 2 of the hit Star ... Wars roleplaying game (it would make its first actual appearance in the 1993 flight simulator game X-Wing ...
Faithful viewers will know that Cumming appeared as a guest star during the Jodie Whittaker era, playing King James I in series 11’s historical fantasy story “The Witchfinders”. In episode ...
Each novel in the Culture series generally stands on its own, with a self-contained story and separate characters from the other books. They all work together to present a picture of a utopian ...
Renna, unforgettable as the smack-talking catcher who will diss you for mixing “your Wheaties with your mama’s toe jam,” has written a children’s book. “A Little Slugger's Guide to the ...
Prepare to get lost in the swirling maze of past and future ages: a trio of classic science fiction TV series are being revived as part of a new shared universe. The cult classic 1960s series The ...
An actress known her role in a beloved 80s action-adventure series was spotted enjoying a rare outing in Los Angeles this week. The star - who was born in a suburb of Chicago - appeared on the ...