Children's school uniforms hung on the door. Their academic workbooks lay on their desks. Toys covered in dust were still ...
In order to reap blessings and foster closer relations among the Hearing Impaired community, the National Association for the Hearing-Impaired held a Breaking of the Fast Ceremony. It was held at the ...
Yasin Suresi ya da Yasin-i Åžerif olarak adlandırılan ... 11: Sen ancak o zikire/Kur'an'a uyan ve görmediÄŸi haIde Rahman'dan korkan kimseyi uyarırsın. BöyIesini, bir bağışIanma ve ...
The Delhi High Court on Friday issued a notice to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in an appeal moved by one Afsar ...
BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman today expressed the hope that the interim government would uphold impartiality as desired by people. "We hope that the interim government will maintain the ...
The Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP) has fined a total of Tk98,000 against seven businesses in Chattogram for various violations, including overpricing and hoarding bottled ...
Yerin Haberleri ABDULLAH YILDIZ "Üç Aylarda Kısa Sureler" derslerimiz Zilzal Suresi ile devam ediyor. Zelzele/deprem anlamına ...
Tarique said, "We need to think why some people are turning a simple matter into something abnormal. We must question if there are hidden agendas or ulterior motives at play. If the elections are ...
Its recitation, known as Tilawah, is an art form that has been perfected by some of the most talented voices in the Muslim ...