The Holyrood exodus continues as more SNP MSPs throw in the towel ahead of the 2026 election. While some of the party’s ...
Last week, my local constituency MSP announced that she would not be seeking re-election to Holyrood next year ...
It had been a long time coming. Nicola Sturgeon's announcement last week that she would be standing down as an MSP at next ...
The First Minister and his party have repeatedly called for the UK's nuclear deterrent to be removed from Scotland.
Senior SNP figures have been accused of playing into Vladimir Putin's hands by putting themselves at odds with Downing Street ...
As well as Ms Sturgeon and Mr Yousaf, current cabinet secretaries Shona Robison, Fiona Hyslop and Mairi Gougeon will stand ...
You know things are bad for the Labour Party in Scotland when even their MPs refuse to appear on BBC Scotland, which is typically more ...
First Minister says ‘golden age of renewables’ has arrived and makes case for investment in ‘green and prosperous nation’ ...
Euan McColm: From victim of sexism to hate figure for feminists - how Nicola Sturgeon's reputation on women's rights was ...
First Minister John Swinney and the UK Energy minister Michael Shanks came together today to deliver a shared ambition to put Scotland's offshore wind sector at the forefront of the European clean ...
Some Labour MPs say the government should borrow more rather than reduce benefits - or introduce a wealth tax.
The First Minister said his party does not have a woman issue despite 14 female MSPs signalling their intention to stand down ...