Vietnam is set to finalise the legal framework for its carbon market by June, paving the way for the exchange of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission quotas and carbon credits. This is reported by Vietnam ...
迪拜对其交通信号控制系统进行了重大升级,集成了人工智能(AI)、预测分析和数字孪生技术,以加强整个酋长国的交通管理。 下一代系统将在所有主要路口实施,预计到2026年中期全面投入 ...
Brazil during its BRICS presidency will promote the development of additional transparent, accessible, and secure payment platforms. This was announced by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, speaking ...
Ethiopia has taken a major step forward with the introduction of the new electronic passport designed and manufactured domestically. The passport is equipped with advanced security features and modern ...
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has announced a massive US$87,6 million investment in a programme aimed at creating sustainable data centres for the development of artificial ...
Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto announced the launch of the country's sovereign wealth fund, which will initially invest US$20 billion in projects ranging from metallurgy to artificial ...
Egypt has reinforced its regional leadership in public health and epidemic control by becoming the first country in the Middle East and North Africa to introduce a field epidemiology training ...
The government has reaffirmed its commitment to enhancing the education sector by allocating funds for the construction of at least 80 new schools. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to ...
莫斯科克里姆林宫博物馆的国际项目将在TV BRICS的协助下获得国外媒体的支持 德班理工大学福卢费洛·内茨韦拉教授:对金砖国家研究的兴趣与日俱增 加强大学之间的联系,在人类安全和气候 ...
Iran and Russia are deepening their cooperation in the mining and mineral industries, with plans to establish a joint committee to oversee the implementation of their bilateral agreement, as reported ...
The XXVI Sakhalin Ski Marathon in memory of Igor Farkhutdinov will take place in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on 8-9 March. One of the largest sporting events in the Far East will bring together professionals ...