My life became so much richer … and I even learned [it] could unhook me from my anxious thoughts, something I struggled with ...
Kennedy Williams was 16 when she was stabbed to death during a fight near a local skating rink.Her final moments were streamed and shared online.In this new Saving Our Streets special report, Nancy ...
The City of Pocatello Parks & Recreation Department, in conjunction with the Southeast Idaho Skatepark Association, is ...
A new Alpha Test has revealed the upcoming EA Skate title have added microtransactions to the equation, and it's not out of ...
Electronic Arts and Full Circle began its recent Skate playtest and have activated microtransactions during the alpha test ...
The new skate game is planned to be a free-to-play title, which means microtransactions are its only revenue source.
EA’s upcoming free-to-play Skate reboot is still in closed alpha, but now allows players to purchase cosmetic items with ...
According to Insider Gaming, microtransactions became available with the latest update for Skate. They're called San Van ...
EA's upcoming Skate reboot has added microtransactions to its ongoing closed alpha test. It has already been confirmed that ...
EA’s Skate reboot already has microtransactions before an official release date has been revealed for the game.
We don't know when skate. is launching into early access, but you can be extra sure it'll have freemium currency to buy when ...
EA has added microtransactions to Skate's Closed Alpha, with San Van Bucks currency now up for grabs for cosmetic purchases.