Publicis Groupe has won The Coca-Cola Company's US and Canada media account from incumbent WPP following a closed review.
In a 2021 interview with The New York Times ... ($16) BrandIt did not respond to the News Journal’s requests via email on what’s in the works for Bounce Beach P-Cola, nor is the business listed on ...
This really isn't what WPP wanted to hear. Publicis has won Coca-Cola's North American media, worth $785m blast year, from ...
Publicis Groupe has taken a chunk of business from Coca-Cola, a major client of WPP. Various reports put the value of the win ...
Coca-Cola has implemented a packaging change to its 20-ounce bottles across its trademark products, including Coca-Cola, Diet ...
Cola's lucrative North American media account from WPP following a hush-hush competitive review, industry sources confirmed ...
WPP is hoping to fend off Publicis to retain the brief as the pitch nears a conclusion. Win or lose, the spotlight will be on ...
WPP is defending its Coca-Cola media business in North America against another major holding company — Publicis. It is ...
Global trade in gum arabic centres on the African nation – and proceeds bankroll conflict between the army and paramilitary ...
WPP has failed to fend off Publicis to retain the North America media brief as the pitch comes to a conclusion.