Bâtir l’Europe de demain, c’est enfin et surtout redonner toute sa place à la démocratie. C’est garantir des élections libres et équitables. C’est protéger la séparation des pouvoirs et l’indépendance ...
Accords commerciaux, géopolitique et coopération internationale ont rythmé l’agenda chargé des ministres suisses à Davos.
DAVOS, Switzerland (AP ... It is a movement into the bad — in the wrong direction.” — Alain Berset, a former Swiss president who heads the Council of Europe, which defends human rights ...
Leading business and political figures attending the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, have discussed and ...
Alain Berset, a former Swiss president who heads the Council of Europe, which defends human rights and supports democracy. “The common denominator for the countries that are failing is the ...