Two Louisiana State senators have proposed a Bill that would stop water districts from adding fluoride to drinking water.
Residents should bring tap water to a rolling boil for at least five minutes before drinking it, cooking with it or brushing teeth.
“You can’t taste, smell or see most contaminants, so testing is the only way to know how safe your water is,” said MDH Water ...
New York invests $340 million in statewide water infrastructure projects, enhancing public health and local economies.
Tests taken during the time that drinking water requirements were violated did not indicate the presence of bacteria in the ...
Alexander Daniel, DDS, left, demonstrates fluoride treatment on resident Cameron Onken ... Dental experts acknowledged that ...
An Indiana Senate bill aims to protect water utilities from lawsuits over water contamination — and the customers who ...
Two wells in the city were found to contain PFAS at levels above health-based guidance values for drinking water.
Mount Clemens is changing the laboratory it uses to determine the level of total organic carbon after being cited by state ...
The Mabton City Council approved funding this week for two water projects designed to address longstanding drinking water ...
Lenoir County will temporarily change the disinfectant used in the water treatment process, starting March 17and continuing ...