As part of the city of Des Moines' cuts, the Des Moines library is down two librarians and a social worker. What those changes mean for patrons: ...
Activist Harvey Harrison had requested reports officers must fill out after using force. The Iowa Supreme Court ruled Friday ...
Dressed in their finest green, Iowans took to Annie’s Irish Pub and other Court Ave. businesses for a block party to ...
The Minnesota governor is kicking off a series of town hall meetings in Republican-represented congressional districts across ...
The weather was in full-blown spring sunshine for St. Patrick’s Day in Iowa’s capital city. Hundreds of people lined the ...
DES MOINES, Iowa — Des Moines police are warning residents of multiple road closures ahead of Monday's St. Patrick's Day ...
The event was a kickoff to a tour of town halls in Republican-represented congressional districts across the Midwest.
Walz stopped in Iowa several times in 2023 as a surrogate for then-President Joe Biden, floating around the state fair, ...
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz told Iowans on his first stop of a national town hall tour that he wanted to give a voice to people who feel ...
DES MOINES, Iowa — One of the top-grossing stand-up comedians is bringing his latest tour to Des Moines next winter, the Iowa ...
Bars and restaurants in Des Moines are gearing up for St. Patrick's Day celebrations, with Annie's Irish Pub on Court Avenue ...