- Viral TKI bernama Puspa di Singapura menangis minta pulang ke Tanah Air. TKI asal Sumatera Selatan ini curhat di media sosial hingga viral. Dia mengaku tak ingin lagi menjadi tenaga ...
In the glittering world of Bollywood, where talent often needs a push, legendary choreographer Saroj Khan played fairy godmother to many stars. But there was indeed one stand-out among all the ...
Puspa Dewi TKW di Singapura kini nangis dan minta tolong ingin pulang ke Indonesia. Dalam curhatannya, si TKW mengaku disuruh bayar Rp 26 juta jika ingin pulang ke Indonesia.
KISAH TKW VIRAL - Sosok TKW Puspa Dewi asal kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan yang bekerja di Singapura menangis minta pulang ke Indonesia. Ia tak mampu membayar biaya ganti rugi Rp 26 juta.
Kalpana Saroj is the CEO of Kamani Tubes, one of India's leading firms that deals in the manufacturing of copper and copper alloy products. In the Indian business sector, Kalpana's entrepreneurial ...
TKW MENANGIS - Puspa Dewi TKI asal kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan yang bekerja di Singapura menangis minta pulang ke Indonesia. BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID - Beredar video viral di media sosial, ...
Pushpendra Saroj stated that young people are more interested in issues than in religion and caste, which currently dominate politics. The Samajwadi Party MP pointed out that qualitative change in ...
Directed by Bandi Saroj Kumar, the film also features him in a key role. If you missed watching it on the big screen, keep reading to find out where you can stream it online. Parakramam will start ...
After the outstanding success of the milestone 100th auction and ‘The Exceptionals’ Jewellery, Silver and Timepieces auction, AstaGuru is set to host two consecutive auctions dedicated to Modern & ...