And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months — you can practice hygge all year long.
Need something to do over spring break? You can visit the American Swedish Institute for FREE on Thursdays as part of Free ...
The Red Barn Studio Museum preserves the workspace of Lester Raymer, a local artist whose creative recycling of materials resulted in whimsical, thoughtful pieces that embody the prairie spirit of ...
The Smoky Valley Scenic Byway provides a perfect driving route to appreciate the natural beauty surrounding Lindsborg. In ...
Hej and welcome to the latest instalment of The Local's Fika Calender, where we guide you through the most important cake, ...
Across frozen lakes — or out in the archipelago — skating in Stockholm is very different to the ice rink back home ...
The name Fika is a Swedish concept that means to gather and share coffee and something to eat. Daily news about your ...
With so many dining options to choose from, first-time visitors may find it overwhelming to find the best halal restaurants ...
The Local's Fika Calendar walks you through a whole year of Sweden's coffee-and-cake tradition, with information on the ...
IKEA Warrington has welcomed an expansion as part of an "exciting new chapter." First opening in 1987, the site was the ...
Scandinavians are often ranked among the happiest people on Earth — and considering what the weather is like there, they must be doing something right. Their secret is a deep-rooted cultural ...