An Eveleth man with a felony warrant for “obscene internet conduct with a child” is in custody at the St. Louis County jail awaiting extradition to Georgia, where the investigation is based. ...
Warrants claim the Rock Ridge High School Dean of Students sent graphic photos/videos of himself from within the school as ...
The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office arrested a high school dean Tuesday night on an out-of-state arrest warrant for alleged "obscene internet contact with a child." According to a news release from ...
The Rock Ridge dean and longtime teacher also allegedly received child sexual abuse material and faces extradition to Georgia ...
The Sheriff's Office says they received information from the Minnesota BCA about potential child exploitation.
A group of parents and neighborhood residents opposing Dominion Energy's plan to build high voltage transmission lines near ...
A staff member at a high school in northern Minnesota was arrested on Tuesday evening after a child exploitation ...
An employee with Rock Ridge High School is in custody for allegedly soliciting a minor and is being investigated for other alleged crimes.
Prep Boys Hockey: Rock Ridge tops Hermantown in OT, CEC & Grand Rapids nab road wins ...