The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
If you would like to add your name to our distribution list and receive any of the Manitoba Markets reports by email, please email us at [email protected] and specify which report you’d ...
PED is a virus that causes severe dehydration and diarrhea in pigs. The virus is generally fatal in very young animals, however older animals can recover. PED is not transmitted to humans or other ...
The following guidelines pertain to programs that provide Manitobans who are currently in receipt of income assistance or who are employment disadvantaged, with an opportunity to participate in ...
The Manitoba Affordable Energy Plan is a blueprint outlining the next generation of energy that will keep rates low for all Manitobans. This plan will include government-to-government historic ...
The purpose of the Adult Abuse Registry is to help protect specified adults by allowing employers to screen potential employees and volunteers who want to work with specified adults. The Registry ...
Pests can impact food supplies, public health, the economy, and the environment. Pests can be animals, plants, diseases, or other organisms that can be damaging, noxious, or troublesome. Manitoba has ...
Manitoba’s Export Support Programming focuses on supporting Manitoba’s small and medium-sized businesses to export and diversify markets for their products. The Government of Manitoba’s Export ...
The Community Development Branch of Municipal and Northern Relations works to strengthen community planning and development in neighborhoods, communities and regions across Manitoba by co‑ordinating ...
The Manitoba Biosimilars Initiative was implemented effective August 1, 2024 to improve the uptake of biosimilar drugs. Biosimilars present a significant opportunity for cost savings and health system ...
A strong competitor for light, moisture and nutrients, Canada thistle can cause greater crop losses than any other broadleaf weed in Western Canada. A perennial, it reproduces with seed and freely ...
The Manitoba Act, which created the Province of Manitoba, was passed by the Parliament of Canada, and received Royal Assent on May 12, 1870. The act was proclaimed on July 15, 1870, when Manitoba ...